domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010


The following summary is based on the article ¨What Makes Management Style Similar and Distinct Across Borders? Growth, Experience and Culture in Korean and Japanese Firms¨. By Lee, Jangho, Thomas W. Roehl, & Soonkyoo Choe. 2000. . Journal of International Business Studies, 31(4): 631-52.

In order to be able to define the leadership and management styles, we will focus the definition within the East Asia style, alluding to the Japanese and Korean way of doing business.

Depending on the management style of a leader the approach in the organisational's environment within countries can be of:
  • Convergence: As countries develop, management styles will converge to a model found in developed countries. This convergence can be cause by two different forces.

1. Domestic pressure: In which people retain culturally determined forms of management.

2. International pressure: To conform to conventional norms in the international marketplace.

  • Differentiation: A wider set of cultural norms in each society is a powerful force for differentiation across borders.
  • Isomorphism: Adaptation to the environment.

Image:Leadership street sign, took from;


The Japanese management style:

*Is based on market shares and growth strategies.

*Has a very aggressive pricing strategy, by using economies of scale.

*Seeks for value maximization.

*Sees the relationship with the suppliers within an inter-organisational perspective, of cooperation and coordination, looking for fast and flexible development of products.

*The input greater incentives into the participation of workers and middle management positions in building group loyalty.

*Flexible manufacturing: Connecting product, design and productions.

* Corporate value: To carry organisations through a change.

*Zaibatsu:Family enterprises that gained a position in the Japanese economy with no exact parallel elesewhere, the receive subsidies and favorable tax policies by the government. Their power over society can be so big, that the normally own Banks.

The Korean management style:

*It is influenced by the Japanese style, since they used to be a Japanese colony from1910 until 1945.

*There is a lot of government intervention, in matters, such as;Credit, foreign exchange and export growth.

*Chaebol: It is much alike the Zaibatsu, but with the difference that families do not own banks.

Differences between Japanese and Korean management style:

* The divergence in the hierarchy orientation and in the economic environment.

* The technology development and manufacturing area. Korea believes that technology is an important tool to develop economies of scale, while Japan emphasized more on flexible manufacturing, seeking to adapt easy and fast to market changes.

*There is few internventionism in Japan.

*The Chaebol families cannot own Banks, The Ziabatsu families can.


I believe they tend to converge, and not only them but all the countries. The globalization, communication technologies and the free market around the world, have allowed the society interact within different cultures that not only have taught them new things but have created personal and organisational necessities that can only be supply by external environments with international boudaries.

Korea has already the influence of Japan, since it used to be a Japanese colony, Although it was during times of war, where the economies weren't doing well and the society was not focused on sustaining the organisations, but seeking for survival, the behavioral practices still started to permeate the Korean management styles.

Today Korea is an independent country, that keeps growing along with other developing countries. I would say that the western or American style is the dominant style that it is prevailing among nations, but being Japan and Korea, nations with such strong believes in their religions and traditions, I wouldn't be sure if they could adopt a completely different management style from the one already existing. but for sure, they have and will adopt more global styles, that could help them be more close to their most important commercial partner as it is the United States.

IS JAPANESE-STYLE. MANAGEMENT ANYTHING NEW? A COMPARISON OF JAPANESE-STYLE MANAGEMENT WITH U.S. PARTICIPATIVE MODELS. By: Hall, James L.; Leidecker, Joel K.. Human Resource Management, Winter81, Vol. 20 Issue 4, p14-21, 8p; (AN 12617239).


The following summary is a subtract from ¨The Socio-Cultural Embeddedness of Individuals' Ethical Reasoning in Organizations (Cross- Cultural Ethics)¨Author(s): Linda Thorne and Susan Bartholomew Saunders Source: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 35, No.1 (Jan.,2002), pp.1-14, Published by:Springer Stable

URL: Accessed: 28/07/2010 16:16

Ethical behavior varies cross-culturally, scant attention has been given to understanding how culture affects the ethical reasoning process that predicates individuals' ethical actions. To address this gap, this paper illustrates how culture may affect the various components of individuals' ethical reasoning by integrating findings from the cross-cultural management literature with cognitive-developmental perspective.

The challenge in any organisation in the globalized world in which we are living in today, is how to balance the standardized globalpolicies, with appropriate consideration to specific cultural backgrounds and the contexts in which the organisations need to dvelop thereselves everyday within specif groups or cultures.

To understand the ethical decision making, the authors reassure on the importance of cultural dimensions, like Hoftede's and trompenaars', already seen in other courses, because they say that these cultural dimensions, seen in the personal perspective of an individual, determine the components of individuals' ethical reasoning, which are;

1. Ethical Sensitivity:Identification of an ethical dilemma

2. Prescriptive Reasoning:Prescriptive judgment of the ideal solution to the ethical dilemma

3. Deliberative Reasoning:Intention to act.

4. Ethical Character:Ethical action or behavior.

They explained it, this way: ¨Ethical sensitivity initiates the ethical reasoning process through the identification of an ethical dilemma. Ethical sensitivity reflects an awareness that the resolution of a particular dilemma may affect the welfare of others. Once an ethical dilemma has been identified, individuals enter a process of prescriptive reasoning in which they evaluate the ideal outcomes that ought to occur in a given situation. The outcome of an individual's prescriptive reasoning process is a prescriptive judgment of what ought to be done to resolve an ethical dilemma. Next, an individual deliberates on the formulation of his/her intention to act on an ethical dilemma. Deliberative reasoning involves a value assessment of the "ethical" choice versus other decision alternatives. Finally, an individual's ethical action is a function of one's deliberative choice and personal characteristics, such as ego strength and locus of control. For example, a weak-willed person may choose to act in a given manner, but is unable to follow through in the decision choice due to lack of ethical character¨. (1)

Transnational organizations can't ignore the cultural differences that make ethical reasoning even more divers within the members of an organisation that work even at the same places. Integrating systems and routines across geographically dispersed subsidiaries represent some of the challenges that organisations have when doing business coss-culturally.

(1)¨The Socio-Cultural Embeddedness of Individuals' Ethical Reasoning in Organizations (Cross- Cultural Ethics)¨Author(s): Linda Thorne and Susan Bartholomew Saunders Source: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 35, No.1 (Jan.,2002), pp.1-14, Published by:Springer Stable. Page 4 and 5, paragraph 8 and 1 respectably.

Image: two man shaking hands, took from;


The following case was took from ¨Making Sense of the Diversity of Ethical Decision Making in Business: An Illustration of the Indian Context¨. By: Patel, Taran; Schaefer, Anja. Journal of Business Ethics, Dec2009, Vol. 90 Issue 2, p171-186, 16p, 1 Diagram; DOI: 10.1007/s10551-009-0034-z; (AN 45127535)

Indian businessmen were perceived as fair, kind, law-abiding citizens who were considerate to foreign merchants and ethical in their practices, but sooner this system fall with the foreign invasions in the eighteenth century (Kanagasabapathi)*. Colonial rulers replaced past ethical and administrative systems with their own ones. After independence, the new government opted for Western economic and administrative systems. Superimposing systems that have naturally emerged in a society over past centuries with foreign systems is thought not to be good for that society (Korten)*.

Several different ethical approaches have co-existed in India in more recent times:

The Gandhian Model: Which stresses voluntary commitment to public welfare based on ethical awareness of broad social needs.

The Nehru Model: Which emphasizes state-driven policies including state ownership and extensive corporate regulation and administration.

The Milton Friedman Model:
According to which corporate responsibility primarily focuses on owner objectives.

The Freeman Model: Which propagates stakeholder responsiveness.

Like in every ancient civilization, the business ethics movement in India has also been influenced by various historical and political factors:

* A strong religious tradition encouraging business benevolence.
* Businesses supporting nationalism in the first half of the twentieth century.
* A strong affiliation with leaders, both in business and politics (Sundar)*.

While the strength of Indian traditions provides and reinforce an awareness of the social and ethical responsibilities of business, many experts are worried that modern business practices are likely to change it all.

SEWA (Self Employed Women’s Association) and the AMUL milk cooperative, is a trade union of poor, self-employed women in the state of Gujarat in West India. It was founded in 1972 in Ahmedabad by Elaben Bhatt, a staunch Gandhian and freedom fighter. SEWA’s initial activities included buying handmade products from rural women and selling them in local and foreign markets.

The profits made on selling these products were then distributed among the associations’ members. In so doing, SEWA attempted to give some economic power to rural women and also to enhance their sense of self-reliance and dignity. The values cherished by SEWA seem to be those consistent with Gandhi’s policy of altruism, which implies doing good for the poorest of the poor and protecting the weak. Following these Gandhian principles, SEWA attempts to prepare poor, rural and unemployed women in India. Full employment for SEWA means employment whereby workers obtain work security, income security, food security and social security. By self reliance they mean that women should be autonomous, self reliant, both economically and with regards to taking decisions in their personal lives.

As we can see in the case showed above, decision making will always be link with the ethical behavior of the organisation, it can be by one member, or a group or even as a whole. But they will always be rised from an individual’s perspective of ethical practices. It is obvious that the national culture influences our ideas, but still the last decision making is in the individuals’ hands.

Elaben Bhatt wouldn't have created SEWA and AMUL if it wouldn't be for it's ethical behavior practices linked to Gandhi’s policy of altruism. In this case Ethical behavior was the key element in the decision making process of creating an organisation that could be in compliance with Elaben's believes.

*Kanagasabapathi, P.: 2007, ‘Ethics and Values in Indian Economy and Business’, International Journal of Social
Economics 34(9), 577–585. doi:10.1108/0306829071 0778606. Kearney, A. T.: 2004, Offshore Location Attractiveness Index: Making Offshore Decisions.

*Korten, D.: 1998, When Corporations Rule the World (The Other India Press, Goa).

* Sundar, P.: 2000, Beyond Business: From Merchant Charity to Corporate Citizenship (Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi).



It is the element that allows us interact with others directly or through objects, meaning that the communication can be faced within two dimensions; In an interpersonal or in a technological level.

Communication is the base of all relationships and the understanding between the elements (communicator, receiver, perceptual screens and the message) is what let us maintain and build relations. These elements are affected by many other factors, that depending on their positive or negative appearance within the communication, can be consider or not as barriers. Such barriers can be:

*Language barriers: Referring to the use of semantics, vocabulary, grammar and
*Physical barriers: Visual and vocal noise, time differences, geographical and technology
distance, status, an educational gaps (Related to age).
*Social-psychological barriers: Status (Salary, abilities, age), whether the person is open
or close minded, emotions, distortion of reality and resistance to change.

The communication plays a very important role within and between the organisations, and the good use of the factors mentioned before; it is what allows the members to have an effective interaction with each other. Clarity and consistency are fundamental when transmitting a message, the communicator needs to know what is the objective of the message itself and be aware of the perfect timing to communicate it, in that way they won't compromise the communication and it will exist a perfect understanding of the message.

Since the managers are the leaders and for instance represent us in the organisation, their role in the communication is crucial when transmitting important information. In class we define five types of managers regarding their communication skills.

  • Expressive speakers: Which openly express thoughts, opinions, ideas and feelings, it is sociable and let his subordinates know where they stand.

  • Empathetic listeners: That are always willing to listen, are patient and shows concern about others responsibilities and actions.
  • Persuasive leaders: It is a person that doesn't like to give orders, he rather likes to encourage people to achieve results by telling the how capable and good they are.
  • Sensitivity feelings: He cares about other's feelings, that is why is able to share critical points of view and feedback to someone, but in a confidentially and constructive way.

  • Informative managers: They share information about the organisation in order to keep employees well informed and avoid miscommunications.

Michael Spencer, "If InterContinental were a sound … what would it be?", Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 31 Iss: 4, pp.39 - 46

*I invite you to see the following video. It is an Interview that Larry King made to Toyota's CEO, when the organisation was call to testify, due to the security problems and accidents that some Toyota cars were having in the U.S. You can clearly see why the decision of the CEO to use interpreters during the interview, was important, and how elements such as culture and perception, played an important role within the discussion. This video, basically synthesized what we have seen so far in the course, ethical behavior, communication, managements styles, values, attitudes, decision making processes, all this elements can be observe during the interview*


It is a different type of communication that was borne thanks to technology and the globalized context in which the organisations are participating today. Some of them are created by necessity and others for pleasure and comfort. But all of them necessarily need human resources practices.

Some of the main characteristics that bring to life the idea of virtual teams are; the geographical distance, the differences in time zones, the common purposes, the technology, the size of the group, knowledge and the status within the organisations.

There are different types of virtual teams and they vary according to the characteristics mentioned above.

  • Telework: It is a telecommunication that can be done partially or fully outside the workplace, let workers access information from remote locations, it is flexible and allows the company to save money and time.

  • Virtual groups: It is a combination of teleworkers, that have the same boss but work for different goals, because the tasks and activities are independent.
  • Virtual teams: Is when the members of the virtual groups interact with each other, in that sense the do share common goals within the organisation's structure.

  • Virtual communities: It is created by larger entities that seek a common goal and share same roles and norms, their participation is trough Internet.

What are the advantages?

Can help the organisations save some money and time, when workforces are required in different geographical regions; brings flexibility into processes; people can work at the time and place they want; and productivity can be raised since they can work 24/7, different from a ¨brick company¨ that has to fulfill specific working hours, normally in day time.

What are the disadvantages?

The implementation and acquisition of technology can be very expensive; some organisational cultures prefer the face-to-face communication; it can be difficult to monitor and the difference in culture, time and language can cause misunderstandings.

Kuruppuarachchi, Palitha R. 2009. "Virtual team concepts in projects: A case study." Project Management Journal 40, no. 2: 19-33.

Image: Conference room, took from;


As an introduction, it is important to make clear as the article says, ¨that sounds are not just a brand positioning strategy, nor is it a blueprint for choosing background music. It is more of an account of the interplay between arts-based disciplines and business processes in support of a company’s strategic objectives. Artistic procedures are highly disciplined and can be effective catalysts in building and reinforcing better business practices¨. (1)

Noise as visual or auditive element, can be of highly impact when someone is trying to communicate a message to others. If we apply this concept into the Intercontinetals' case or any other organisation that is trying to analyzed the impact that particular sounds in this specific case ¨music¨, can have over the business strategy, we can reassure the importance of being able to find the perfect balance between the tangible (the infrastructure, the price paid for the service, the physical appearance of the employees, the food and in general the aesthetic of the place) and intangible (The music, language, hospitality and the quality of the employees and services offered) elements of the organisation, when transmitting a strategic message.

All these combined, transmit one and only ¨One message¨ to everyone involve in the organisation (members, employees, suppliers and most important clients). Taking into account that in communication timing and consistency are principles to an effective communication, any mistake doing it, can cause severe damage to the organisation's structure.

When defining in this case, the music to be play in the hotels, it is very important that managers and members of the project, know how to make musical choices not to overcome their own subjective opinions. And this is important, because the music would be also subject to the client’s perspective, so if the combination of both perspectives, do not match, the complete purpose of the message will probably turn in failure. The company could make the music choice influenced by personal or emotional attachment, not from specific individuals but from the organisational culture.

It is also very important to know, that words used in campaigns or sights cannot always be applied to musical briefs, due to misunderstandings in semantic conception. For example there is no problem on using it in writing because people can clearly see the difference with other words that are written alike, but they cannot hear the difference when they sound alike and there is no chance to do explanations.

As the document mentioned, they also discovered in the studies that ¨local musical culture was considered an integral part of a hotel visit and that this should be incorporated into the highest level of music provision¨. (2) The objective in the auditive messages then, must be a combination between the organisational culture as one entity and the regional culture where the organisation is located in. In that sense, the company as communicator would be consistent with it's business strategy in that specif region that could lead to positive feedback at the end of the communication process.

We can see, how sounds can impact the business strategy as an organisation, I think that the advantages or disadvantages, vary depending on the good use of the specific key communication elements in the specific situations the organisation is in. ¨If one element is out of phase it can affect the whole structure. Also, both song and brand have a strong underlying sense of momentum. With music it is provided by the pulse; with the brand, the driver is its consistent values¨.


(1) Taken from the article ¨If InterContinental were a sound . . .what would it be? by Michael Spencer, Managing Director of
Sound Strategies Ltd, London, UK. Page 1, paragraph 2, lines 1 to 6.

(2)Taken from the article ¨If InterContinental were a sound . . .what would it be? by Michael Spencer, Managing Director of Sound Strategies Ltd, London, UK. Page 6, paragraph 5, lines 8 to 10.

(3)Taken from the article ¨If InterContinental were a sound . . .what would it be? by Michael Spencer, Managing Director of Sound Strategies Ltd, London, UK. Page 6, paragraph 8, lines 6 to 8.


The following summary is based on the JEL article code :M54: Labor Management ¨Employees motivation Theories developed at an international level¨. For; Viorel Lefter, Aurel Manolescu , Cristian MarinasVirgil and Ramona Puia Stefania from the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest Faculty of Management 6 Piata Romana, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

Motivation is the element that makes people move towards something, is the incentive we use to do things, if people would not have any motivation in life, it would not exist any stimulus to perform. Although motivation is what drives members of an organisation to do things, this motivation can't necessarily be enthusiastic about the stimulus (Example: Desire to distinguish her/himself from the others and acquire knowledge), but as reaction for threats and fear of risk, failure or insecurity. ¨This means that the motivation of a person covers all the reasons for which he/she chooses to act in a certain way¨. (Adair, 2006) (1).

There are some studies that have led some theoreticals to propose ¨Theories¨ about motivation, let’s see some of them and its main characteristics.
  • Maslow's Theory
Maslow mentioned that, when an inferior rank need is satisfied (for example, assuring food, clothing, the need of breathing, etc), the next level need becomes dominant, and the attention of the person is dedicated to the accomplishment of this higher rank need.

He mentioned five need's levels, that goes from the basic needs as a human being to the personal needs for realization.

During the evolution of needs towards the top of the hierarchy of needs, there is also a psychological evolution, but it doesn't happen necessarily as a direct progression. The inferior rank needs continue to exist, even if temporarily states as motivation factors, and people constantly come back to previously satisfied needs.

  • Douglas McGregor (Theory X and Theory Y)
The following chart shows some specific characterisitcs mentioned in the article, in order to explain both theories. Basically what the Theories explain is that in the organisations there are two types of employees; ones with lower order needs which dislike working and try to avoid it if they can, because they lack ambition and dislike responsibility and others with high order needs which see work as natural, because are capable of developing, assuming responsibility and contributing to the organisation’s goals.

  • Clayton Alderferer (ERG Theory)
It is basically an evolution of Maslow's Theory, but with the difference that in this Theory, the workers can pursue multiple needs at the same time, there is no need to accomplish the first or second level needs in order to accomplish the third or fifth level needs. Everything depends on the frustration or satisfaction that the individual feels when doing something that makes them return, advance, intensify or combined all their needs.
  • Herzberg’s two-factor theory
Motivation at work is related to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction feeling, which is link to the psychological growth such as: knowledge, achievements, promotions, responsibilities and the nature of work itself. These psychological elements can be affected by things like: The company policy, the management, the surveillance system, the salary, the work conditions, the relationship with coworkers and superiors and many other factors that depending on the individuals perceptions about them, he/she can feel satisfy or not.
  • Vroom (Expectancy theory)
"It is the connection between the employees’ motivation and the certitude of their expectancies¨. (2)

It is impossible to have motivation if there is no relation between the efforts a worker needs to do, in order to performe at a certain level with the idea that the effort in the specific performance will bring him certain kind of reward.

(1) Adair, J. (2006), Leadership and motivation. The fifty-fifty rule and the eight key principles of motivating others, Kogan Page, London and Philadelphia.
(2)Took from the article ¨Employees motivation Theories developed at an international level¨. For; Viorel Lefter, Aurel Manolescu , Cristian MarinasVirgil and Ramona Puia Stefania from the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest Faculty of Management 6 Piata Romana, sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.

Maslow's Theory image: Pyramid, took from maslows_hierarchy_of_needssvg.png

Image:People taking hands:


¨The Hawthorne research is so named because the studies were conducted by Western Electric at the company's Hawthorne Works, a large plant outside Chicago. There were six studies which ran for the duration of several months to several years between the years of 1924 and 1933¨. (3)

The study basically tried to show how illumination or lightening affected the productivity of the workers. They made several tests by reducing or intensifying the lights, according to intervals or constant levels. Some of the results were that workers could increase the productivity until the work elements were barely visible and that they could also work at moonlight intensity. These conclusions among others did not really help to determine whether illumination in the companies was relatively influential in the workers motivation but in their skills to do or not their job.
Later on with the collaboration of Harvard University researchers like Fritz Rothlisberger, W. Lloyd Warner and Elton Mayo, they helped to redefine the study of illumination to a study of the physical factors causing fatigue and monotony.

When we talk about motivation at work, people tend to think in monetary incentives, such us commissions over sales, but what all people failed to know, is that physical instruments, such us the chairs, the color of a wall, the food serve in the dinners of the organisations, the transportation facilities, the uniforms, the fresh air and many other things that complement the work environment are of same importance as the monetary incentives. A person can know that if she sales ¨X¨ product to a company she will earned 35% commission over the price of that sale, but if the company do not have good communication elements (Telephone, radio, computers, internet) and she also needs to pay for the transportation used to meet the potential client, she goes back to the office and there is no air conditioning when the temperature is 30º and the chair is broken, there is a big chance that that person won't close the deal, because by the end of the day, that person will be tired of fighting and dealing with so many variables, that she hasn't been able to focus on the real goal.
We can relate this theory with Herzberg’s two-factor theory, where workers sized their satisfaction not only with their psychological needs but with their physical needs, such as; salary, surveillance systems, work conditions and hygiene among others.

At the end all theories link to each other, because they all based their states in one common thing which are the needs of the human being in its personal and professional environment. The person that is well motivated and knows how to use that motivation in his performance will have more chance of having positive self-actualization and the others members recognition as an effective (Efficiency + efficacy) partner.

(3) Shedding light on the Hawthorne studies.By: Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey A.. Journal of Occupational Behavior, Apr85, Vol. 6 Issue 2, p111-130, 20p; (AN 6358829) Especialidades: ORGANIZATIONAL behavior; CORPORATE culture; GROUP decision making; ORGANIZATIONAL change; ORGANIZATIONAL sociology; SOCIAL psychology. Site:


The motivational situation of Emily Griffin in Flight oo1 is a combination between Maslow's Theory and McGregor's Theory Y, because since she has already fulfilled the lower levels of needs such us; biological, safety and belonging needs (Maslow's), she is now trying to fulfill the higher order needs, such us; new responsibilities , new challenges, and the opportunity to improve her knowledge (McGregor's), with the idea that she is capable and have the necessary skills to contribute to achieve the organizational goals. And prove of that, is that when she is asked how she feels she says that enjoys working in Flight 001.

Clayton's Alderfere theory can also fit in this case, since Emily pursued multiple needs at the same time, the case does not show the need of Emily to accomplish the first or second level needs in order to accomplish the third or fifth level needs. Everything she seeks for, depends on the frustration or satisfaction that the she feels when doing something that makes her return, advance, intensify or combined all her needs.

Emily is a perfect example of theory Y, in the case, she is shown as a person that is always looking for a balance between the organisation's goals and her own needs, that is why empowerment is her best ally, she knows what she is good at and uses those skills and capabilities to meet the companies' goals, because in that way she will also be able to fulfill her owns.