There are some characteristics in each person, that makes us unique and defined us as human beings; The personality, perception, attributions, attitudes and values are build every day of our lives according to those characteristics. Although is a process that begins since we are borne, can be modified or transformed while we are raised and grow, even when you think you stop evolving yourself, every decision you take in specific time and situations, can dictate a new behavior never before existing or at least not explore.
It can be defined, as a set of characteristics that a person has as part of its life, which allows him/her to interact with others and within situations. This set of characteristics can be inherited or can be the result of adaptation in the environment.
There are a big number of theories, expose by different personalities, that explains types, styles or ways to classified people's personalities.
- Gordon Allport (Trait Theory)
The Trait Theory has different approaches and has been modified and studied by many other psychologists, but there are five ¨traits¨ that outstand among the many existing.
* Extraversion: Defines weather a person is sociable, expressive, communicative or if is reserved, introversive.
* Emotional Stability: Is related with the mood, the state of anxiety and excitement of a person that can be link with calmness or insecurities.
* Openness to experience: Depends on the person open or close minded that allows them whether to be creative and show interest for things or having narrow interest.
- Sigmund Freud (Psychodynamic Theory)
- Carl Rogers (Humanistic Theory)
In the organisations, people's personalities interact and influence one to other, sometimes in positive ways and some others in negative ways. That is why is so important for an organisation to have very clear the type of person and profile that they want to have working in the organisation. Is obvious that it is very difficult to have control over the characteristics that each member have, but identifying the most influential ones can avoid confrontations and uncomfortable situations.
* Locus of control: People can think that they have the ability to control what happens to them or on the contrary can think that everything in their lives is determined by external forces, like destiny. Depending on how the person feels about the control of his/her life, is the level of job satisfaction, motivation and performance among others.
* Self-esteem: This is link to the value that a person gives to herself, it allows that person to have positive or negative thoughs about his aspect or actions, it also allows them to accept or reject strengths and weaknesses and has its own points of view.
* Self-efficacy: A person measures the capacity, abilities or skills that have to accomplish specific tasks. The awareness of prior experiences, behavior models or even the persuasion from other people can help that person to define its productive ability within a group.
* Self-monitoring: One person behaves according to specific situations, in order for that person to be able to choose how to behave, they need to pay attention to others, care about processes, read the environment and be consistent along the situations.
Image:Two face picture, took from;
It is how people perceive things, objects, situations and other people's actions and opinions. This characteristic of the human being allows us to understand in our own way the environment. For this characteristic is essential the senses: touch, smell, hearing, vision and taste, because the combination of them is what generates particular ideas or opinions in regards someone or something.
When people interact, they takes roles in the communication; one person is going to be the perceiver and the other the target, being in this position is very important to take into account and know interpret the message, because aspects such us: The mood, attitudes and knowledge, physical appearance, verbal and non verbal communication, the intentions, stereotypes and judgments can interfere in either way, positive or negative.
Image: Two people's perception about a glass of water, took from;
People can attribute what happens in specific situations either to the person (Which means involving people's personalities) or to the situation in which that person is being part of. Basically what we can infer by this term, is that helps determined what or whom causes certain behavior.
Takao Inamori, Farhad Analoui, "Beyond Pygmalion effect: the role of managerial perception", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 29 Iss: 4, pp.306 - 321
The attitudes refer to the human behavior towards something or someone, it is a characteristic that people is not borne with, instead it is develop within time and can change or be modified according to each situation. The Attitudes can be link to feelings, intentions or beliefs and normally represent the negative or positive opinion that an individual has towards things.
The values have a very personal background, they are more private and normally come from the families’ education. They can be either way instrumental (Depends on what you are trying to achieve) or terminal (Which represents what you want to achieve).
The organisation can also have common values as a group, those that will define and support the course of the business and will prevail under any circumstance, because they represent the essence of the company. Honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness, cooperation, among others are examples of values that people live with every day and share with others with the idea of pursuing a common well.
Gregorio Martín-de-Castro, José Emilio Navas-López, Pedro López-Sáez, Elsa Alama-Salazar, (2006) "Organizational capital as competitive advantage of the firm", Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 7 Iss: 3, pp.324 - 337
"The Pygmalion effect is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy (SFP) in which raising manager expectations regarding subordinate performance boosts subordinate performance. Managers who are led to expect more of their subordinates lead them to greater achievement". (1)
The Pygmalion effect explains how powerful can be communicating to others the expectations you have about them, and how big could be the impact regarding motivation and the improvement in performance. This effect is commonly use in organisational environments, where the managers or higher positions, let their subordinates know as boss, about what he expects from them, in order to incentivize them to actually do things right or even better than expected.